RCA Work in Progress Exhibition
January 2008
Knitted circles
Singer domestic knitting machine
Tension 2-3, used fine gauge tool
Loro Piana pure linen and silk yarn
Applied binder on edges and around finished circles
Heat pressed gold foil, 160*C for 40 seconds
Circular iron frame made in metalwork shop
Stitched with gold foil around the frame
Recycled used foil to make cards
January 2008
Knitted circles
Singer domestic knitting machine
Tension 2-3, used fine gauge tool
Loro Piana pure linen and silk yarn
Applied binder on edges and around finished circles
Heat pressed gold foil, 160*C for 40 seconds
Circular iron frame made in metalwork shop
Stitched with gold foil around the frame
Recycled used foil to make cards